July 30, 2024 Written by Heather Valey

A wild male purple martin (Progne subis) shows off his latest catch, a Common Buckeye Butterfly, at the top of a purple martin house in Patterson Park, Austin Texas 2020. A few years ago, a rumor was started by folks who sold purple martin houses, that purple martins eat mosquitos. However, that is not the truth, they much more prefer butterflies, dragonflies and fire ants.  (As shot)

Captioning isn’t just for photojournalists; it’s equally important for wildlife photographers. If you plan to share your photography on social media or other platforms, captions are essential. They make your work more engaging and interesting.

Taking the time to write a strong caption is worthwhile. A study by the National Press Photographers Association found that “the longer or better developed a caption, the more likely it was to receive attention. Most captions were read to completion, as people looked back and forth between the caption and image, establishing context.”

Moreover, there is an ethical component to captioning. As a wildlife photographer, it is your duty to inform your audience about your subject and how your image was taken.

So, let’s dig in and talk about the ethics of captioning wildlife photography

According to the North American Nature Photography Association (NANPA):

“Consistent, accurate image captioning facilitates three very important goals:

1. Educate the public and photo viewers about the context and intent of the image.

2. Maintain public trust in the credibility of the image.

3. Help to educate other photographers.”



A wildlife photography caption should always include what the viewer is looking at, why it matters, where and when it was taken, but it should also explain how the photograph was made and how it was processed. Below is a chart that highlights the components of a well written and ethical caption.

Captioning tips

With the advent of digital photo processing tools and technological advances in AI, it is more important than ever to be transparent about the extent of photo editing. Below is a guide from the NANPA Truth in Captioning document. These definitions help photographers explain the degree of editing done to a photo in its captions.

The above chart is made from content on NANPA’s Truth in Caption Statement

Let’s take a look at a few different photos and how ethical captioning might apply to them.

Endangered Animals in Zoos

This is a Sumatran Orangutan, a critically endangered species. I took this photo at the Houston Zoo, where the animal was born in captivity. It's important to clarify that this orangutan lives in a zoo to prevent misconceptions about the species' status in the wild. When zoo pictures of endangered animals are posted on social media without context, viewers might mistakenly believe that these animals are not at risk. In reality, Sumatran Orangutans face severe threats in their natural habitat due to deforestation and poaching. Providing this context helps raise awareness about their plight in the wild.


This Sumatran Orangutan was photographed at the Houston Zoo, where it was born in captivity. Sumatran Orangutans are critically endangered, facing threats from deforestation and poaching in their natural habitat. It's essential to highlight their endangered status to raise awareness and support conservation efforts. (As shot)

Endangered Animals in the Wild

Endangered Animals in the Wild

When photographing endangered animals in the wild, NEVER reveal their exact location in your caption. This is crucial to prevent the harassment of sensitive species. Always obscure the animal's location in your caption.

For example, for the photo above of an endangered Golden-cheeked Warbler, I would simply state the location as the Balcones Canyonlands Preserve, Austin, TX. The preserve is large, with many different land tracts, so naming the preserve provides enough obscurity to keep the animal safe. Additionally, I would mention that this photo was taken under the guidance of a preserve biologist and with permission from the Balcones Canyonlands Preserve.


Golden-cheeked Warbler photographed at the Balcones Canyonlands Preserve, Austin, TX. The Golden-cheeked Warbler faces habitat loss and fragmentation in its natural range, making conservation efforts crucial for its survival. These birds only nest in the Texas Hill Country where Ashe Juniper trees are plentiful. This endangered species was captured under the guidance of a preserve biologist and with permission from the preserve. (As shot)

Staged Photos

The photo above of the Great Horned Owl perched on a stump in broad daylight is a staged photo. I attended an event hosted by the Houston Raptor Center, where they posed some of their rescue birds for us to photograph. Captions for this photo should mention that the bird is a rescue animal. It should also include that this photo was staged at a Houston Raptor Center event.


This beautiful Great Horned Owl rescue was photographed at a Houston Raptor Center event on High Island, TX. The center staged this photo opportunity to allow attendees to capture images of their rescue birds up close. This owl is part of the center's rehabilitation program, highlighting the important work being done to care for injured and orphaned raptors. (As shot)

Photo Art With Processing

Photo Art With Processing

This is a fanciful image of purple martins flying into their bird houses. To be honest about how this image was made, it should be captioned as:  manipulated, multiple exposures, effects and composited.


Magic at twilight. Purple Martins soaring to and from their nesting gourds at a purple martin colony in Austin, Texas at twilight.  (manipulated, multiple exposure, effects & composite) 

Captioning is often overlooked when posting wildlife photography, but I think you’ll find by taking the extra time to craft interesting and truthful captions will make your work more engaging and ethical. 


NANPA Truth in Captioning Statement: https://nanpa.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/48/Files/Public/Truth-in-Captioning-Statement-Revised-3-2018.pdf

Why Photo Captions are Important



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Truth in Photography