
Responsible Roadside Photography: What You Should Know

Roadside photography can lead you to find the beauty of nature in unexpected places along the sides of roads. This type of photography is also known as car trunk photography where photographers do not roam far from their vehicle. As with all genres of photography, with this type of photography one should be mindful of the duties of being a responsible roadside photographer.

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wildlife photography, tips, nature photography Angela Maloney wildlife photography, tips, nature photography Angela Maloney

The Silence Of The Photographers

We humans are interesting animals. We’re the only ones who have forgotten we’re a part of nature. Living in cities has taught us to be comfortable and barely notice a lot of very noisy things. If a train passes by, it’s just background noise. A car honks its horn and we barely take note. Construction and traffic noises surround us all the time. We are constantly accustomed to music, television and other sounds around us all the time.

But being out in nature is different. It’s quiet there.

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