Responsible Roadside Photography: What You Should Know
Roadside photography can lead you to find the beauty of nature in unexpected places along the sides of roads. This type of photography is also known as car trunk photography where photographers do not roam far from their vehicle. As with all genres of photography, with this type of photography one should be mindful of the duties of being a responsible roadside photographer.
Becoming What We Oppose
A single tree is that all that stands in a clearcut field with powerlines in the background
A Photographer’s Dream Can be Stressful for Wildlife
For those unfamiliar with safari tourism, the stunning wildlife photos shared from these trips often create the illusion of intimate, solitary moments between photographer and animal. In reality, this couldn’t be further from the truth
Getting The Shot: How Photography Game Farms Make For Faux Wildlife Photography And Harm Wild Animals
Recently, a self-described wildlife sanctuary near where I live was denied a permit to operate by our county. . . . It was never a sanctuary, and the judge in this case noted they did not qualify for that status.
Truth in Photography
Over time, it has become easier and faster to edit photographs. Now, widespread adoption of AI means that entirely fictional images that look real can now be created.
Get Off the Beaten Path (But Stay on Trail)
More and more in my news feed I have been seeing headlines from places I love shutting down or severely restricting visitor access to popular areas and viewpoints. Or, worse yet, becoming overall unwelcoming to visitors due to the negative impacts they area having on the daily life of locals.
Tips for Responsible Visual Storytelling Through Photography
As visual storytellers, we should be aware of the responsible methods of capturing and portraying our subjects.
A wildlife photographer draws a line in the sand to deter others from getting too close to a harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) giving birth.
Bridging the Gap: Responsible Photography and Trail Etiquette for Equestrians
While capturing stunning photos on horseback is a rewarding experience, ethical considerations are paramount.
Call For Blog Contributors
Responsible Photography Collective is looking for new blog contributors about responsible photography for all genres of photography
Presentation on Responsible Photography
Lori A Cash gives a presentation on responsible photography for James River Week 2023 at the Tuckahoe Area Library in Henrico County, Virginia. Each of us at the Responsible Photography Collective is available to do in-person or Zoom-type presentations on responsible photography, write guest blog posts, discuss responsible photography on podcasts, or even create webinars.
A Fed Fox is a Dead Fox
Here are some guideline questions to help wildlife photographers think about where they fall on the ethical spectrum if deciding to photograph wildlife over a human supplied food source.